Diary & Writing

Crazy people

Nadja Ebner

11 Oct 17 · 1 min read

We are working on our website, which still isn’t on. Leo (he’s coding it) can get a bit of a perfectionist. He wants it to be functional, quick and excellent, and he can get lost in the details. Like he is not nervous enough, I dare to comment what he wrote about us for an intro. It was a word ‘crazy’ mentioned in a context: how crazy we are for selling everything we had and wandered into the world. I kindly exposed, that I don’t understand why travelers like to think about themselves as crazy. They like to brag how insane they are. I get it: we all want to be special, adventurous and cool. But I still think traveling is one of the sanest things one can do.

Yes, it is unusual. It is not common for people to stop hoarding belongings onto a save pile. It is something that makes us feel safe. Uncertainty scares us, and even if we want to be spontaneous, it is a burden. Getting yourself into unknown situation makes you freak out because your mind cannot find a solution that quickly. The brain likes everyday activities, like how to walk in the morning toward your restroom with eyes still closed; how to prepare a coffee; where to turn while driving to work. These are easy tasks because you are done it countless times before. Now, step on a plane, and four hours later try to find a flat where your kids can sleep, communicating only in a language you don’t understand. Is putting yourself into situations like that crazy? I don’t think so. It is a challenge, and it is exhausting. But it is also a chance to kick your brain: “Get up lazy and start working overtime for once!”

Traveling, even when you do it with kids, is not joining the crazy town. It is a decision to grow when you are already grown up. It is a decision to offer yourself (and your kids) learning through experience (experts are saying it is the best educational strategy). It is a tap on your back, saying to yourself: “I love you, buddy. I know you can do it! Evolve yourself!”

Making a step toward unknown takes guts. It is scary, that is why most people don’t do it. You have to give up a lot of things you appreciate. But you do it because you decided to invest in yourself. Is that crazy? If it is, I love to be crazy.

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